The floating Pavilion is located on the River in front of the Museum Ingres.
It shall be used as a temporary Pavilion for Music.
Only one Person a time can go in the Pavilion and listen to the song. Because of that the Idea was to create a Entrance which filtres the visitors. That means The Entrance itself is already an adventure. The way to the actual music-room prepares the visitors for the coming piece of music. Our main room shall be a round and warm room with no edges, so the visitors feel comportable and can concentrate on the music.
Because of those reasons we decided to create some kind of bubbles which float on a wooden land. At the Entrance there are two smaller Bubbles. The exit is one small Bubble that prepares the visitor to go back outside.
We wanted our Pavilion to look very light, as it is a floating Pavilion. So we choose a Material that is a bit transparent. The main structure is made out of steel. To add a warm material we chose wood as our floating platform. This Platform is big enough to invite people to come and rest at the Platform, even if they don't entre the Pavilion. We created another public space.
The ceiling of the Pavilion is like a Dome. It is a steel structure which is covered in black fabric.
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